“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”
C.G. Jung
Our team takes great pride in what we do. We like new challenges, and seek ways to constantly improve our skills through continuing education, getting our hands dirty, and listening to each other and our clients.
The Reese Group specializes in turn-key Brownfields redevelopment services for blighted areas where real or perceived environmental contamination issues have resulted in underutilized properties. Although Brownfields redevelopment programs are often associated with environmental services, true redevelopment occurs through a combination of services including:
- ASTM and AAI-compliant Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
- ASTM Phase II ESAs
- Stakeholder / Public Engagement
- Due Diligence and Property Transactions
- Green Assessment – Cleanup and Redevelopment Techniques
- Reuse and Recycling of Building Demolition Materials
- Funding Procurement
The Reese Group provides consulting services to help you assess, remediate and manage your environmentally impacted properties in a manner that meets your business and regulatory-driven goals. We do this by creating a supportive business relationship that includes full discussion of the costs, advantages, and disadvantages of the many options available for addressing environmental issues.
- Remediation Options Evaluations
- Remediation Feasibility Studies
- Remediation System Design/Installation/Operations
- Green Remediation Techniques:
- Enhanced Bioremediation
- Phytoremediation
- Natural Attenuation
- In Situ Chemical Oxidation
- Groundwater Monitoring Programs
- Regulatory Assistance

When the public sector and/or private industry are faced with a changing business economy, they can find themselves in possession of facilities that are no longer suitable for operations, and they must decide how best to divest themselves of these properties, which often hinge on associated environmental liabilities. The successful completion of a plant decommissioning and/or facility closure can contribute significantly to reducing long-term risk and increasing the opportunity for future revenue from property divestiture or redevelopment. The Reese Group can provide the following services in support of decommissioning and closure of these facilities:
- Pre-demolition Inspections
- Site-specific Deactivation Plan
- Remediation
- Regulatory Assistance
- Preparation of construction specifications and drawings
- Preparation of bid package
- Community Engagement
- Permit(s) Procurement
- Characterization of residual substances in tanks, containers, and sewers
- Asbestos and lead-based pain abatement
- Decommissioning and demolition oversight
- As-built reporting and final documentation of the decommissioning and demolition
The Reese Group uses an integrated approach to achieve clean water goals to protect water supply sources and catchment areas from the risk posed by urban sprawl and other areas undergoing changes in land use within a watershed. This approach can include one or a combination of the following services provided by The Reese Group:
- Watershed Planning
- Data Collection
- Watershed Modeling
- Community Outreach and Education
When polluted storm water is left untreated, it enters our rivers, lakes, and coastal waters and can cause water quality impairments. The Reese Group experience and expertise includes all phases of storm water management and compliance, from consulting and permitting, construction, repair and rehabilitation to routine maintenance and inspection services.
- Comprehensive Storm Water Programs
- Storm Water Utilities
- Low Impact Development Best Management Practices (BMPs)
- Ordinances and Technical Manuals
- Non-point Source Grant Application and Implementation
The Reese Group staff members have extensive experience in comprehensive water quality analysis and management. Our services include evaluating surface water and ground water quality for municipal, agricultural, industrial, and private water users with characterization and analytical modeling of both simple and complex systems.
- Water Quality Assessments
- Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments

The Reese Group specializes in identifying sediment issues and strategic solutions that are expedient, cost effective, and will restore environmental sustainability. Sediment management requires reliable and well-founded investigation, assessment and mitigation strategies. Our sediment services are tailored to the particular needs of the project and can include the following service elements:
- Field Investigations
- Sediment Transport Modeling
- Risk-based Sediment Characterization Studies
- Feasibility Studies and Remedial Actions
- Dredging and Disposal Site Assessments
The Reese Group is determined to make a difference. We understand that nothing sustainable can be accomplished if environmental health and safety are not driving factors behind it. To effectively make a difference, we make environmental health and safety a constant priority. We complete projects in both the private and government sectors, and consistently meet and exceed all health and safety requirements and expectations. We have experienced and specialized personnel that can provide spill response training and also help facilitate and lead response efforts in the event of a spill. We take pride in our ability to help mitigate any potential emergency situation and have our employees trained to work within the Incident Command System (ICS) structure, which allows us to be utilized in events of all sizes.

The Reese Group provides assistance to our clients with the routing and siting of pipelines and the associated environmental studies, permitting, public involvement, stakeholder management, land acquisition and compliance monitoring. We support our clients with:
- Federal, State, and Local Permitting
- NEPA Studies
- Erosion and Sedimentation Control ‐ NPDES, SWPPP
- Planning for Wetland/Waterbody Crossings
- Biological, Rare/Threatened/Endangered Species, Cultural Resources, Air Quality, and Noise Studies
- Health, Safety, and Hazardous Materials Management Plans
- Environmental Construction Inspection/Monitoring
The Reese Group has the opportunity to be a part of the Region 5 START team. Defined below:
The Superfund Technical Assessment & Response Team Contracts (START) program was developed under EPA’s Long Term Contracting Strategy (LTCS) and combines the previously separate support activities of the Field Investigation Team (FIT) and Technical Assistance Team (TAT) into a single contract. The START contracts provide technical support to EPA’s site assessment activities and response, prevention and preparedness activities. This support includes gathering and analyzing technical information, preparing technical reports on oil and hazardous substance investigation and technical support for cleanup efforts.

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Having worked in this industry for a long time, we have a network of trusted colleagues who’d be happy to work with you. Let us know what environmental, construction, or engineering services you need, and we can point you in the right direction.