While with a previous firm, The Reese Group staff submitted and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) approved a plan to manage highly impacted soils associated with potential future remedial/ excavation activities at a former stainless steel manufacturing facility site located in southeastern Wisconsin. The soils are impacted with chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) and heavy metals and is currently being regulated under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The WDNR approved onsite soil consolidation consistent with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines regarding Areas of Contamination (AOC) as a cost effective means for soil management.
In 2006, a Phytoremediation System was installed in the AOC to supplement the existing primary remedial groundwater extraction and treatment system by controlling and removing groundwater contamination leached from soils in the AOC. The installedPhytoremediation System consisted of 661 trees: 595 hybrid poplar and 66 willow trees.
In accordance with a WDNR-approved Phytoremediation System Operations and Maintenance Plan, general tree health and the overall site conditions within the AOC are monitored on a quarterly basis. Qualitative site conditions and plant health observations are utilized to assess the overall vigor of the Phytoremediation System. Quantitative measurements are conducted annually on 50 trees (10 from each of the five sections) to insure continued tree growth and system performance. Quantitative parameters include monitoring overall canopy height of the pre-selected representative trees and monitoring tree diameter. To document the performance of the system semi-annual soil and groundwater samples are collected at five locations across the site. The Phytoremediation System is generally healthy and is currently being evaluated as to whether the system can be utilized as the final remedy for the Site, which would lead to the deactivation of the current active groundwater extraction and treatment system.
- RCRA Remedial Action
- On-site Management of Impacted Soil
- Area of Contamination (AOC)