The Reese Group staff performed site remediation services to remove 6,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment from an approximate 750 foot reach of Honey Creek located in East Troy, Wisconsin.
The remediation services included conducting a hydraulic and hydrologic analysis of the creek, developing design plans and bid specifications, and performing construction oversight of the re-routing of the stream, excavation of the impacted sediment with consolidation into an on-site Area of Contamination (AOC) for treatment utilizing a Phytoremediation system.
The project involved the installation of diversion dams and bypass pumping of water flow through 36 inch PVC piping to allow for excavation of contaminated stream and wetland sediments. The excavated areas of the creek bed were restored in accordance with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Chapter 30 permit requirements, contract drawings and specifications. Stream restoration included installing rip-rap to protect the bank, root wads, and riffle and run structures to introduce natural habitats, and plantings to re-establish and enhance the existing wetland.